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Founded in 2010, the Ghana Progressive Hotels Association (GHAPROHA) has the following mission and objectives:


Ghana Progressive Hotels Association (GHAPROHA) is to be unified, effective and instrumental in advocating and shaping policies that promote the hotel industry, to provide training and technical assistance to its membership, to strengthen the sector and foster good relationship among members and stakeholders in the tourism industry.


GHAPROHA is committed to the following objectives:

  • To enhance the dignity of the hotel industry in Ghana

  • To promote and maintain high standards in all aspect of the hotel and catering industry in Ghana

  • To facilitate the exchange of information and ideas among members on matters of general interest affecting the industry.

  • To give professional advice, co-operate and arrange with statutory or other bodies on any matter that may contribute toward the attainment of higher standards in the hotel and catering industry and for the furtherance of the aims and objectives of the Association.

  • To concern itself and assist in all matters relating to education and training of personnel at all levels and branches of the hotel and catering industry.

  • To ensure the practice of professional ethics among its members.

  • To formulate strategies in the areas of financing, taxation, training and procedures and legislation.

  • To energize with all segments of the hotel industry and apex bodies of the Tourism Sector in Ghana, and to affiliate with other international Association to accelerate growth.


Membership of Ghana Progressive Hotels Association is made up of hotels, motels and guest houses that have been certified and licensed by the Ghana Tourist Board to offer accommodation, catering and other tourism services in Ghana. Our membership categories are: Budget (acceptance level below One Star) and One Star to Five Star International standards.

We invite you to join us today.